

In NEvoPy, most of the heavy processing involved in evolving a population of neural networks is managed by a processing scheduler. Processing schedulers allow the implementation of computation methods (like the use of serial or parallel processing) to be separated from the implementation of the neuroevolutionary algorithms. Examples of processing schedulers in NEvoPy include the PoolProcessingScheduler, that uses Python’s multiprocessing module to implement parallel processing, and the RayProcessingScheduler, that uses the ray framework to implement distributed computing (it even allows you to use clusters!).

In this quick guide you’ll learn what a NEvoPy processing scheduler is, what it can do, and how you can build your own. For a list with all the pre-implemented processing schedulers, take a look at nevopy.processing.

NEvoPy processing schedulers overview

In NEvoPy, all processing schedulers subclass the ProcessingScheduler class and override its run() method, which is responsible for processing a batch of items (TProcItem) and returning the corresponding results (TProcResult). The items and the results can be anything, but they usually are genomes and their fitnesses, respectively.

Processing schedulers might also be used to handle the computations associated with the reproductive process of a population.

Writing your own processing schedulers

To build your own processing scheduler, simply create a new class that has ProcessingScheduler as its parent class and implement the run() method:

class MyProcessingScheduler(ProcessingScheduler):

    def run(items, func):
        # ...
        return results

Then, just create a new instance of your new processing scheduler and pass it to the constructor of your population!